My new experience in blogging

Monday, December 18, 2006


Hello everybody!
This week as well we are supposed to work on wikis because we have to improve our contribution to edutech wiki. The wiki administrator Daniel Schneider sent an e-mail to Sarah and asked her to tell us to improve our contributions adding some important pieces of information.

From this experience I understood that the world of wikis is governed by some important rules which contributors are supposed to obey. In order to give a good and useful contribution to the wiki, the writer has to:
- write a clear and concise text;
- paraphrase and summarize the source text intead of making long quotations;
- quote someonelse's words just to support his ideas and statements;
- make internal links (like this: [[blog]]) to other pages of the wiki if there are words which can be connected to eachother;
- cite the sources correctly;
- use paragraphs, divisions and bold in order to facilitate the reading.

To improve our contributions Sarah gave us an useful link which explains how to quote, how to cite electronic sources correctly, how to paraphrase, how to be concise etc.

I am in my fifth year at the university and in a few months I have to start writing my thesis. I think that in wikis I can find some interesting arguments for the topic I will choose (I still don't know what my thesis will deal with).

Well guys, that's all!
See you tomorrow!


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