My new experience in blogging

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

My reflections upon BLOGGING

Hello everybody and WELCOME to my personal blog!
My name is Barbara and I'm 23 years old. I live in a little town near Venice and I'm attending the last year of "Foreign Languages for the International Communication" at the University of Padua. This year I have a new English course, which is completely different from the previous one: now we are supposed to explore the blogsphere. That's the reason why I'm developing this blog.

As I became a blogger just two weeks ago...and, furthermore, I'm not so good at using the computer...I hope I will be able to use the blogsphere correctly and to write interesting things!
If you want to give me some pieces of advice, make corrections of my mistakes or whatever else you want, please, write to me here on my blog!

As I wrote before I have been using the blogsphere just for two weeks. However I have already learnt a lot of things; first of all, I realized that there are so many blogs, for any kind of interest! Then I understood that many people explore, write and communicate to each other because blogging has become a kind of hobby for them.

As far as my personal experience is concerned, I think that, thank's to blogging, I will be able to improve my English learning. First of all, because I have to write my personal thoughts and comments in English. So, I will improve my writing skills. Then I have to read other people's thoughts so that I can improve my reading skills. Finally, I am supposed to communicate with people in English and I think this is the most important task.
So far at the university I have always been "obliged" to use an academic English but when I am in an informal context I have a lot of difficulties to talk about simple subjects in informal English. I have to improve my colloquial English and, as it is the kind of language used by bloggers, I think that blogging will help me to reach this target.

Well, That's all for the moment!

See you soon on my blog!